last up date, 2025.2.14
We will have bike demo event about Tartaruga below.
(Please ask to dealer all detail dilectly.)
April 12th ~ 13th FARM (Okayama, Kurashiki) 10:00 ~ 16:00
12th : At 'Kasaoka Taiyo no Hiroba', 13th : At FARM
12th : At 'Kasaoka Taiyo no Hiroba', 13th : At FARM
April 19th ~ 20th GREEN CYCLE STATION (Kanagawa, Yokohama) 11:00 ~ 16:00
April 26th ~ 27th Cycles House SHIBUYA (Tokyo, Katsushika) 11:00 ~ 16:00
May 10th ~ 11th Shugakuso Shiroishi (Hokaido, Sappolo) 11:00 ~ 17:00
Exhibition schedule