'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike CUSTOM 2021' (Tatsumi publishing)
Customized Tartaruga Type S ware featured in the 'Shop Original Custom' section.
Customized Tartaruga Type S ware featured in the 'Shop Original Custom' section.

'Jitenshya Biyori vol.57'
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured 'Japanese brand made to focus the best touring bike.' in the 'Checking very well for standard popular 4 models.' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' and 'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware chosen by 'Cycle house SHIBUYA TAGUCH manager' and 'FARM ODA owner' in the 'Supream folding bike selected by special bike shop' section.
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured 'Japanese brand made to focus the best touring bike.' in the 'Checking very well for standard popular 4 models.' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' and 'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware chosen by 'Cycle house SHIBUYA TAGUCH manager' and 'FARM ODA owner' in the 'Supream folding bike selected by special bike shop' section.

'Orittatami Jitenshyade Tabini Detakunaru Hon'
(Yaesu publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured for 'Trip 100%, its new generation Landner' in the 'The best folding bike you maust buy!' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Maestro Shirai san' and our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' ware featured for 'The trip master's bike and tools' section with their own Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT, also their own toodls.
(Yaesu publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured for 'Trip 100%, its new generation Landner' in the 'The best folding bike you maust buy!' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Maestro Shirai san' and our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' ware featured for 'The trip master's bike and tools' section with their own Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT, also their own toodls.

'mono magazin' vol.841
(World Photo press)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in the 'Introduce the episode of great product' prolog of main section.
They said 'Feels like Convertible!'.
(World Photo press)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in the 'Introduce the episode of great product' prolog of main section.
They said 'Feels like Convertible!'.

'Jitenshya Biyori vol.53'
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' with 'BURLEY TRAVOY' ware featured for ideal combination in the 'Travel feel with bike.' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in the 'Much more fun for bike trip's catalog page.
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' with 'BURLEY TRAVOY' ware featured for ideal combination in the 'Travel feel with bike.' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in the 'Much more fun for bike trip's catalog page.

'Jitenshya Biyori vol.52'
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' ware featured for high performance folding bike with 451 wheel in the 'I'm interesting for folding bike.' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'We asked to pro shop about latest folding bike info.
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' ware featured for high performance folding bike with 451 wheel in the 'I'm interesting for folding bike.' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'We asked to pro shop about latest folding bike info.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2019' (Tatsumi publishing)
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.

'Jitenshya Biyori vol.50'
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in the 'I'll buy bike this year!' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' customized model ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL CUSTOM for SMALL BIKE' section.
'Jitenshya Biyori' got 50 issue by this issue, congratulations!
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in the 'I'll buy bike this year!' prolog of main section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' customized model ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL CUSTOM for SMALL BIKE' section.
'Jitenshya Biyori' got 50 issue by this issue, congratulations!

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike CUSTOM 2019' (Tatsumi publishing)
Customized Tartaruga Type S and owners ware featured in the 'CUSTOM BIKE&OWNER SNAP' section.
Some of Tartaruga exclusive optional parts ware featured in the 'PARTS&GOODS SPECIAL CATALOG' section.
Customized Tartaruga Type S and owners ware featured in the 'CUSTOM BIKE&OWNER SNAP' section.
Some of Tartaruga exclusive optional parts ware featured in the 'PARTS&GOODS SPECIAL CATALOG' section.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2018' (Tatsumi publishing)
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' customized model ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL CUSTOM for SMALL BIKE' section.
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' customized model ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL CUSTOM for SMALL BIKE' section.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike TABI' (Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Itsukaich ~ Hinoharamura Petit Rinko touring' prolog of main section.
It's taking easy folded 'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' with exclusive Rod holder to install finishing rod to go to mountain stream to find trout, ware featured in the 'You want to go! Petit Travel report' section. You can see how easy to go trout fishing to use 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' with exclusive Rod holder.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Itsukaich ~ Hinoharamura Petit Rinko touring' prolog of main section.
It's taking easy folded 'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' with exclusive Rod holder to install finishing rod to go to mountain stream to find trout, ware featured in the 'You want to go! Petit Travel report' section. You can see how easy to go trout fishing to use 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' with exclusive Rod holder.

(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT' ware featured in the 'Tartaruga with Fishing in Boso Peninsula' section.
You can see the potential of Type SPORT can be matched to go fishing like we proposed 'Tsuri~ing'.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in the 'Slow touring to follow the Watarase river' section.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT' ware featured in the 'Tartaruga with Fishing in Boso Peninsula' section.
You can see the potential of Type SPORT can be matched to go fishing like we proposed 'Tsuri~ing'.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in the 'Slow touring to follow the Watarase river' section.

'Bicycle Navi 2017 Summer'
(VOICE Publication)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Cicibu Gosuin Mystery tour' section.
Correction: In this article said Tartaruga Type SPORT has 18 speeds, it is wrong infomation.
20 speeds is correct.
(VOICE Publication)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Cicibu Gosuin Mystery tour' section.
Correction: In this article said Tartaruga Type SPORT has 18 speeds, it is wrong infomation.
20 speeds is correct.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2017' (Tatsumi publishing)
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.

For Tartaruga Type SPORT users
We found rear suspension issue for Tartaruga Type SPORT, part of 2015 production, and all of 2016 prudcution. So we decided to free chcking and maintenance by delaer who you bought. We opened special web page to inform you all detaile including which Type S needs to get this mentainance. Pleease check all detail from here. (We are very sorry, this special web site is only by Japanese.) Also we are very sorry for your inconvenience.
We found rear suspension issue for Tartaruga Type SPORT, part of 2015 production, and all of 2016 prudcution. So we decided to free chcking and maintenance by delaer who you bought. We opened special web page to inform you all detaile including which Type S needs to get this mentainance. Pleease check all detail from here. (We are very sorry, this special web site is only by Japanese.) Also we are very sorry for your inconvenience.

'alterna 2016 November 46'
(Alteana ltd)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in the 'Somany wrong choice for bike' section.
The magazin said 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' is the best recomend bike for bike trip.
(Alteana ltd)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in the 'Somany wrong choice for bike' section.
The magazin said 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' is the best recomend bike for bike trip.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike Travel' (Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Travel starts when you start to pedal your bike' prolog of main section.
Also 'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'How to prevention of trouble for small wheel bike' section. You can see all checking point before start to go to travel with small wheel bike, especially for 'Tartaruga Type SPORT'.
They are really good informations.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Travel starts when you start to pedal your bike' prolog of main section.
Also 'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'How to prevention of trouble for small wheel bike' section. You can see all checking point before start to go to travel with small wheel bike, especially for 'Tartaruga Type SPORT'.
They are really good informations.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2016' (Tatsumi publishing)
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' customized model ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL SMALL BIKE CUSTOM' section.
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' customized model ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL SMALL BIKE CUSTOM' section.

(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Go a number of mountain pass road! in OKUMUSASHI' section.
You can see the potential of Type SPORT can be reach to ridges and ride to carry some stuffs.
It is good for your mental care to go to ridges to take Type SPORT.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Go a number of mountain pass road! in OKUMUSASHI' section.
You can see the potential of Type SPORT can be reach to ridges and ride to carry some stuffs.
It is good for your mental care to go to ridges to take Type SPORT.

(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in the 'FOLDING BIKE IMPRESSION' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT' ware featured in the 'Get the local fish at the fish market, and take outdoor lunch! 2 OJISAN's free day trip in Shizuoka' section.
You can see the potential of Type SPORT can be carried so meny stuffs.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in the 'HOW to FOLDING' section.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in the 'FOLDING BIKE IMPRESSION' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT' ware featured in the 'Get the local fish at the fish market, and take outdoor lunch! 2 OJISAN's free day trip in Shizuoka' section.
You can see the potential of Type SPORT can be carried so meny stuffs.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in the 'HOW to FOLDING' section.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2015' (Tatsumi publishing)
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in the 'Sellect good small wheel bike' section.
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in the 'Sellect good small wheel bike' section.

'Bicycle Photo magazine'
(Genkou shya)
The trip to go to Kyoto with 'LEICA T' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'BIKE & CAMERA IMPRESSIONG' section. An end users camera life with 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' and some photos of Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' ware featured also.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'PHOTO & RIDE BIKE CATALOGUE' section.
(Genkou shya)
The trip to go to Kyoto with 'LEICA T' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'BIKE & CAMERA IMPRESSIONG' section. An end users camera life with 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' and some photos of Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' ware featured also.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'PHOTO & RIDE BIKE CATALOGUE' section.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2014' (Tatsumi publishing)
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL CUSTOM' section.
Tartaruga all modes and gread ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'FOLDING BIKE CATALOG' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' ware featured in the 'SHOP ORIGINAL CUSTOM' section.

'VOLT' vol.12
(Tokuma shoten)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'The first 'HONKI BIKE' best buy 30models' section, It's Mr Ishii selection.'
(Tokuma shoten)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'The first 'HONKI BIKE' best buy 30models' section, It's Mr Ishii selection.'

Bycicle × Camera (Genkou shya)
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'What contains the bag' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Bike Catalog' section.
Bycicle × Camera (Genkou shya)
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' and 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'What contains the bag' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in the 'Bike Catalog' section.

'Travel with bike' vol.10
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' with 'Easy Roller' and 'Easy FOLDING adapter' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Petit bike trip, TSUKUBA Rin Rin Road' section.
This article is report of bike trip with train by biginner who the first time to do that in her life.
You can see the Easy touring by Type SPORT's high performance and utilty with easy folding function.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' with 'Easy Roller' and 'Easy FOLDING adapter' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Petit bike trip, TSUKUBA Rin Rin Road' section.
This article is report of bike trip with train by biginner who the first time to do that in her life.
You can see the Easy touring by Type SPORT's high performance and utilty with easy folding function.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2013' (Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'IMPRESSION' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'IMPRESSION' section.

'Travel with bike' vol.9
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Tour of ONIHEI HANKACHOU world' as 'TOKYO COURSE GUIDE' section.
You can see some unique advantage of Tartaruga Type FOLDING, like easy fold, nice view when you rid and quite nice combination with photo shooting by camera.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' join to this trip.
If you are interested in Type FOLDING, we strongly recommend to read this article!
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Tour of ONIHEI HANKACHOU world' as 'TOKYO COURSE GUIDE' section.
You can see some unique advantage of Tartaruga Type FOLDING, like easy fold, nice view when you rid and quite nice combination with photo shooting by camera.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' join to this trip.
If you are interested in Type FOLDING, we strongly recommend to read this article!

'Travel with bike' vol.8
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT' with 'Easy Roller' and 'Easy FOLDING adapter' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Trip is Entertainment! Easy Touring Lake Toya and Shicotsu' section.
You can see the Easy touring by Type SPORT's high performance and utilty with easy folding function.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.
Also 'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' in the 'Trace the world of Toono Monogatari' section.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend to read this article!
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX and GT' with 'Easy Roller' and 'Easy FOLDING adapter' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Trip is Entertainment! Easy Touring Lake Toya and Shicotsu' section.
You can see the Easy touring by Type SPORT's high performance and utilty with easy folding function.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.
Also 'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' in the 'Trace the world of Toono Monogatari' section.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend to read this article!

'Travel with bike' vol.7
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' with latest exclusive optional parts 'Easy Roller' and some other optional parts ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Introduction Travel with MINI VELO' section.
This is the explanation of 'How to use Easy Roller with Type S and other some optional parts.
You can see all detail with a lot of photos about 'How to use Easy Roller'.
Also there is report to use Type S with 'Easy Roller' to go to trip.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend to read this article!
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' with latest exclusive optional parts 'Easy Roller' and some other optional parts ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Introduction Travel with MINI VELO' section.
This is the explanation of 'How to use Easy Roller with Type S and other some optional parts.
You can see all detail with a lot of photos about 'How to use Easy Roller'.
Also there is report to use Type S with 'Easy Roller' to go to trip.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend to read this article!

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2012' (Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'IMPRESSION' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'IMPRESSION' section.

'Jitenshya Biyori vol.19'
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Check the BEST BUY' section.
This is compare Type SPORT SD, GT and DX models.
Simply compare each compornent what each models have, and intoroducin about almost Type SPORT exclusive optional parts.
You may clear which grade of Type SPORT is the best for you.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend to read this article!
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Check the BEST BUY' section.
This is compare Type SPORT SD, GT and DX models.
Simply compare each compornent what each models have, and intoroducin about almost Type SPORT exclusive optional parts.
You may clear which grade of Type SPORT is the best for you.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend to read this article!

Jitensha-jin vol.26
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'SPORTS FOLDING BIKE Short trip impression' section.
This is impression report to compere 5 different foldable bikes to take train and riding by 5 different writers.
They did this test riding 2days long, so this is kind of serious report.
They find so many advantage of Type SPORT in this 2days test.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend you must be read this article!
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'SPORTS FOLDING BIKE Short trip impression' section.
This is impression report to compere 5 different foldable bikes to take train and riding by 5 different writers.
They did this test riding 2days long, so this is kind of serious report.
They find so many advantage of Type SPORT in this 2days test.
If you are interested in Type SPORT, we strongly recommend you must be read this article!

'Travel with bike' vol.5
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type S exclusive Easy FOLDING adapter' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Tokyo 'Sky' touring by Tartaruga' section.
You can see the all detail how to use 'Tartaruga Type S exclusive Easy FOLDING adapter' by some clear photos.
Also, you can heve a chance to get 'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD with all optional parts' to use for this article, to enter the present project of this issue.
Please check all detail information on the magazin.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type S exclusive Easy FOLDING adapter' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Tokyo 'Sky' touring by Tartaruga' section.
You can see the all detail how to use 'Tartaruga Type S exclusive Easy FOLDING adapter' by some clear photos.
Also, you can heve a chance to get 'Tartaruga Type SPORT SD with all optional parts' to use for this article, to enter the present project of this issue.
Please check all detail information on the magazin.

'Travel with bike' vol.4
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Travel of Hisatsu Orange line' section.
This is report about travel with 'Flight + local train + bike'.
You can see how to use 'Tartaruga Type S exclusive Carrier Cart ', 'ANA has special carton box to fit to Type S when you checking in.' and the short impression of Type SPORT GT by modl 'MOCO' who entry to JBCF Raod Race 2011.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Travel of Hisatsu Orange line' section.
This is report about travel with 'Flight + local train + bike'.
You can see how to use 'Tartaruga Type S exclusive Carrier Cart ', 'ANA has special carton box to fit to Type S when you checking in.' and the short impression of Type SPORT GT by modl 'MOCO' who entry to JBCF Raod Race 2011.
Our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' also join to this trip.

(Graphic shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Tourist Information' section.
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the 'Hill climb in Hakone by minivelo' section.
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the 'Shyoujyo Cycle' section.
(Graphic shya)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT GT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Tourist Information' section.
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the 'Hill climb in Hakone by minivelo' section.
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the 'Shyoujyo Cycle' section.

'Folding bike & Smalwheel bike catalog 2011' (Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'IMPRESSION' section.
And our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' was featured in the 'The story of Japanese brand' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' was featured in the 'Bike tour in down town of Tokyo' section.
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'IMPRESSION' section.
And our CEO 'Naotaka Yoshimatsu' was featured in the 'The story of Japanese brand' section.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' was featured in the 'Bike tour in down town of Tokyo' section.

'Travel with bike' vol.3
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' and 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'One day trip with bike from Tokyo, Osaka' section.
They trid cycling crossing the Tokyo bay to take ferrybort.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' was featured in the 'Mini velo orientation' section.
They said 'It is Raundoner of Minivelo, and it's awesome, can be folded to very compact, and it has alot of optioanl parts'.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' and 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'One day trip with bike from Tokyo, Osaka' section.
They trid cycling crossing the Tokyo bay to take ferrybort.
'Tartaruga Type SPORT' was featured in the 'Mini velo orientation' section.
They said 'It is Raundoner of Minivelo, and it's awesome, can be folded to very compact, and it has alot of optioanl parts'.

'Jitenshya Biyori vol.19'
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' and 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'My choice' section.
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' and 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' ware featured in a Japanese book, In the 'My choice' section.

(Graphic shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'History of touring bike this 60 years' section,
And 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the 'Mini velo touring, Mr Ishii goes.'
Also it has 'Tartaruga LOGO sticker' for appendix.
(Graphic shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'History of touring bike this 60 years' section,
And 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the 'Mini velo touring, Mr Ishii goes.'
Also it has 'Tartaruga LOGO sticker' for appendix.

'Travel with bike' vol.2
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
A custom model 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Newest style for camp touring' section,
And 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' was featured in the 'Local trains trip, Mr Ishii goes.'
Also 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the '10 Folding bikes impression for travel' section.
Tarutaruga was introduced as follows:
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
A custom model 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Newest style for camp touring' section,
And 'Tartaruga Type SPORT' was featured in the 'Local trains trip, Mr Ishii goes.'
Also 'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in the '10 Folding bikes impression for travel' section.
Tarutaruga was introduced as follows:

'Mini Velo Collection'
(Ei publishing)
'Tartaruga 10th Anneiversary model' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Newest model Minivelo preview' section,
'Type FOLDING' and 'Type SPORT DX' was featured in '50 Minivelo impression' section.
(Ei publishing)
'Tartaruga 10th Anneiversary model' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Newest model Minivelo preview' section,
'Type FOLDING' and 'Type SPORT DX' was featured in '50 Minivelo impression' section.

*This magazin has misprint about the price of 'Tartaruga Type S DX 10th Anneiversary model'.
The correct price of 'TartarugaType S DX 10th Anneiversary model' is
JPY 204,750-. (Without TAX JPY 195,000-)
The correct price of 'TartarugaType S DX 10th Anneiversary model' is
JPY 204,750-. (Without TAX JPY 195,000-)
'Travel with bike' vol.1
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Special select travel in Japan with bike' section.
A girl traveled with Type FOLDING to small island 'Miyakojima', it's southan part of Japan.
That is 10pages article.
'Tartrauga Type SPORT DX' was featured in 'Let's analyze the performance of Folding bike' section.
(Jitugyou no Nihon shya)
'Tartaruga Type FOLDING' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Special select travel in Japan with bike' section.
A girl traveled with Type FOLDING to small island 'Miyakojima', it's southan part of Japan.
That is 10pages article.
'Tartrauga Type SPORT DX' was featured in 'Let's analyze the performance of Folding bike' section.

'We love folding bike and small wheel bike'
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Catalog page' and 'Impression for popular model in the market' section.
(Tatsumi publishing)
'Tartaruga Type SPORT DX' was featured in a Japanese book, In the 'Catalog page' and 'Impression for popular model in the market' section.